Sunday, April 18, 2010

Eyjafjallajökull Volcano!

Whoa! I just learned about the Eyjafjallajökull Volcano! (Yes, I had to copy the word Eyjafjallajökull to get it right!)

The Eyjafjallajökull Volcano is in Iceland and normally looks like this:

But for the past few days, it's been looking like this:

And this is what it looks like erupting from space:

The amazing thing about this volcanic eruption is that although Iceland is a fairly remote place, very far north, this volcano erupting has shut down all flights going into and coming out of Europe. Yes, this far-flung little volcano has disrupted all of Europe. Even flights going to and coming from other parts of the world have been shut down. People can't get back home. People can't get to work or school. (Yay!) The U.S. President couldn't even get to the funeral of the Polish President who died in a plane crash recently. Life has been totally disrupted all around the world.
Maybe this is all the diabolical plan of some criminal mastermind to disrupt air travel around the world. Now all the world governments must pay him if they ever want to fly again. Hmm. Dastardly. I wonder if it will work.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A dog tests the iPad

Hehehe, this cute little doggie made me laugh. She's playing with an iPad! I would never trust my dog with an iPad! An iPad is about 600 dollars! So technically I would just be "ripping up" all that money! My dog, Nikko, would probably pick it up with his teeth and run around cracking the screen and breaking the button!! Then he would go bury it out back so dirt gets all in it! This man must really trust his dog! This curious dog especially enjoys creating music on the iPad's piano. If only it came with a tennis ball app... Also, after watching the video, I've come to the conclusion she must be more of a PC pup!

Ezra's Dream Come True

Watch this amazing video! It's so heart touching! Once I started watching it, I couldn't stop!
This amazing little kid is only 4 years old and he definitely taught me a thing or two about dealing with your lot in life. Learning to play basketball with one leg is just another day on the playground to this kid. What a trooper. I think I liked this video so much because I know I would never be able to live with one leg. I would probably kill myself! At the end he meets his biggest idol and this is a big thing for him because of multiple reasons. His hero is a basketball player on the Los Angeles Lakers and his name is Pau Gasol.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Barrelhead Fish

What the heck? This fish is scary! It's head is transparent! I thought the two things above its mouth were it's eyes but later found out those are his nostrils and his eyes are two green things that are where it's brain should be! This fish has made such an adaption over the years. It's amazing! I wonder what other wierd and amazing stuff lives down there in the deep ocean!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Miracle in China!

Wow! This is amazing!!! More than ONE HUNDRED Chinese miners were pulled out alive Monday after being trapped for over a week in a flooded coal mine, where some ate sawdust and strapped themselves to the shaft's walls with their belts to avoid drowning while they slept! At first I felt depressed when I read this story, but then I was thrilled to know some got out OK!

When the rescued miners were brought out of the mine after so long in the dark, some of them covered their eyes with blankets because the light was too much for them. They were sped away to hospitals in waiting ambulances. I can just imagine how exciting and joyful that scene was for their families.

My Opinion of LeBron James

Heh heh heh. I just realized LeBron James has a lot of tattoos! I don't see the purpose of tatoos... I mean eventually when LeBron James retires from basketball and gets another job and he doesn't work out anymore... he's going to turn all flabby! Then it's going to be nasty because then he's going to have nice flabby arms with what looks like ink splattered all over them. I used to want to be like LeBron James but not anymore! I don't want to have a bad temper as well as flabby, ink splattered arms!

The planets Venus and Mercury "converge"

Sky watchers this weekend had something to look forward to on the western horizon! From the view on Earth, the planets Venus and Mercury converged in the evening sky right after the sun went down. On Saturday and Sunday, the two planets were just 3 degrees apart! It almost looked like they were touching!

If the skies were clear Saturday and Sunday and you were way out west, you got a good look. Nasa stated, "Venus pops out of the twilight first, so bright it actually shines through thin clouds. Mercury follows, just below and to the right."

This weekend must have been a nice treat for astronomers! Too bad they couldn't get any pictures of this once in a lifetime view! I guess the picture above is sort of similar...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why called Donkey Kong?

"Why do they call him Donkey Kong when he's not a donkey? "
This question was asked on Yahoo Answers, and as I thought about the answer I started wondering the same thing! That's bizzare! So I decided to look further into it!

I found out the name was chosen by game designer Shigeru Miyamoto as a combination of the word "Kong", because the movie King Kong had just recently come out in Japan. According to another game designer, Donkey was chosen because Miyamoto wanted the character to show a sense of stubbornness. Some urban legends have gone around saying that the actual name was to be "Monkey Kong" but was changed by accident for the American release. Which obviously isn't true... a game director later corrected these myths in "Donkey Wrong." :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's!!!

That's ALL I've been hearing all day and though you might not know it, if you've been on today, you've seen an April Fools joke too. Today, google has changed there name to Topeka. Topeka is in Kansas.Topeka's mayor signed a proclamation to help convince Google that Topeka was the best place for the name to be there.

Today, Google fired back, replacing its standard home page logo with the word "Topeka." A photo showed the Google headquarters with a freshly updated sign. And a placard was even provided to help you learn the proper way to use the new name in conversation.

If you missed it, not to worry, I'm sure you can still find everything with a quick Topeka search... or you could just look at the picture above =D.