Monday, March 21, 2011

Sumo Wrestler Marathon Runner!

A 406 pound man (Sumo Wrestler) will become the worlds heaviest man to run a marathon... if he succeeds! Kelly Gneiting, a sumo wrestler from Arizona, will secure the official world record if he completes the Los Angeles marathon in on Sunday.

This man who is 40 said he wanted to run the 26-mile race as an inspiration to "people who are overweight, have low self-esteem and think they can't achieve things". He said he is big with a big self esteem and he is trying to run his marathon in less then 9 hours. The thing is, I don't think he can run it at all! But I hope I'm wrong!

Friday, March 18, 2011

If I Were You...

I read a classic short story by L. Ron Hubbard called If I Were You. L Ron Hubbard was a science fiction author and fantasy writer who was often referred to as one of the most famous sci-fi writers in American Literature. From a young age, his mother was amazed at the things he liked to read. He would read about philosophy and scientifically complicated things. I would think he had a very amazing imagination too! My favorite quote by him is, “I have seen life from the top down and the bottom up. I know how it looks both ways. And I know there is wisdom and that there is hope.”

The book If I Were You is about a circus midget named Little Tom Little. He is the king of midgets, loved by crowds. The thing is he doesn't want to be just a circus star... he wants to be the ringmaster! Trouble begins when he inherits a set of books showing him the secret of switching bodies. When he switches bodies with the ringmaster, he finds out life as Schmidt, the ringmaster, isn't as good as he thinks it is!

I thought this book was surprisingly really good! It was fast paced and there was never a boring part. He was either switching bodies, getting in trouble, or in a life or death situation! I have to admit Little Tom Little is a coward though! I didn't think I'd like reading sci-fi books but after reading this one, it wasn't so bad and I think it was a good first sci-fi book to read. If you're looking for something interesting, I'd definitely go with: If I Were You.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

World's Oldest Lady!

Say what now?! She's how old?!? Besse Cooper, a great-great-grandmother from Georgia, (the one in the U.S.A not Russia :) has been officially named as the world's oldest living person at 114 years and six months! I didn't know you could live that long! Since she was born in 1896, Besse has seen 21 different presidents! She started with Grover Cleveland and now she's looking at Barack Obama! She's probably saying in her head, "A BLACK PRESIDENT?!?!?!?!? WHA?!?!? She's also lived through two world wars and the great depression! Now that's impressive...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

World's Most Expensive Dog

A Red Tibetan Mastiff puppy has become the world's most expensive dog after being sold for almost $1 million!!! For a dog!

Tibetan Mastiffs are huge and fierce guard dogs from what I've seen! Experts say they are thought to be one of the world's oldest breeds, and legend has it that both Genghis Khan and Lord Buddha kept them! FAMOUS PEOPLE!!!

The dogs are a pure "Chinese" breed and they are rarely found outside Tibet, giving them a trait that other dogs don't have! I think that has to be the reason they cost so much! The fact that thet they are rarely found outside of Tibet, they are nice, friendly, yet at the same time guard dogs! Like my dog! Minus the Tibet part... could I make 1 million dollars off my lab - chow? Not that I would sell him!

1.8 Microseconds Gone!

According to and other sources, the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan was so big, it affected the earth's rotation and also shifted the earth's axis by 4 inches!!! Richard Gross, a NASA employee or geophysicist, if you don't know what that means check the wikipedia page like I did, says the tremor accelerated the earth's spin, shortening its 24-hour day by 1.8 microseconds! Thanks, Japan, now I'm losing sleep!!!! I need all the beauty sleep I can get...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Amazing Photographs!

Dang yo! This man named Alan Sailer creates these epic pictures by blasting food and ornaments with a rifle and capturing the impact on a camera! He built this amazing camera set up in his garage!!! The flash is triggered when the pellet from an air rifle passes through a laser beam. Man, that must have cost a bundle! All I can say is these are amazing photographs! Over three years Alan has photographed thousands of exploding objects from fruit and vegetables to ornaments and make-up. Thousands, people!!! I was thinking about it and I've decided that his style of photography isn't very safe! What if a stray bullet riccochets and hits him!? Ooooh! Talk about sting!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Animal Invasion

Well, it's a good thing floods don't happen in Parauapebas, Brazil every day. Especially floods where the water level rises so high inside homes that when it goes it out it leaves... little presents behind. That's what this mom discovered when, the day after a devastating flood, she went to clean up her house. That's when she found her kid playing with something behind the couch. Being a good mom, I assume, she went to see what it was. But it wasn't a toy... it turned out to be an alligator!!! The amazing thing was the boy was petting this 5 foot long alligator! She immediately grabbed her son away and ran to call firefighters. Boy, that mom was lucky this reptile wasn't in the mood for a meal! If he was hungry, he could have eaten the little boy! Easily! Thankfully, firefighters trapped the alligator and took it to a nearby environmental preserve where they set it free.