Tuesday, March 15, 2011

World's Most Expensive Dog

A Red Tibetan Mastiff puppy has become the world's most expensive dog after being sold for almost $1 million!!! For a dog!

Tibetan Mastiffs are huge and fierce guard dogs from what I've seen! Experts say they are thought to be one of the world's oldest breeds, and legend has it that both Genghis Khan and Lord Buddha kept them! FAMOUS PEOPLE!!!

The dogs are a pure "Chinese" breed and they are rarely found outside Tibet, giving them a trait that other dogs don't have! I think that has to be the reason they cost so much! The fact that thet they are rarely found outside of Tibet, they are nice, friendly, yet at the same time guard dogs! Like my dog! Minus the Tibet part... could I make 1 million dollars off my lab - chow? Not that I would sell him!

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