Sunday, July 25, 2010

Recovering the Gulf

Finally, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYY!! The gulf oil leak has finally stopped! Thank you!!!!!! Now all we have to do is take the time to clean it up. We all know about the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, I assume, and that took 2 years to clean up and it wasn't as nearly as bad as this! I can't imagine how long this is going to take! But at least they plugged the oil! Now I can go to the beach without being afraid of seeing oil wash up and sticking to me and me not being able to ever get it off! I am so happy that they finally plugged the oil spill! No more animals shall die from this catastrophe!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Batman Dog!

Muhahahahahah! This always enlightens my day when I watch it. I hope it does the same to yours too! I love it! Who knew dogs could literally say things! I thought they said things with their expressions but this dog knows who to call in the face of danger! Just watch and you'll see what I'm talking about...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Washing Money

Why didn't we think of it?!?! Washing our stinky, nasty dollar bills! I can't believe the poeple of Zimbabwe came up with the idea before us! The washing machine cycle takes about 45 minutes but George Washington comes out much cleaner!

I guess the people of Zimbabwe really do need to clean there money since the bills are carried in carried in underwear and shoes! I'm sure some have become almost too smelly to handle! Ehh... whatever! At least now they can clean their bucks and put them to a state where you can carry them in your pocket without smelling you up!

My Mansion!

My mansion (must watch the highlighted video!) is going to look exactly like that! Actually it's going to be that exact house! Then my mommy can come live with me. Actually my whole family can come! This place has it all! Even though it's a bit much, I always was greedy! And I'll always be occupied by fun stuff! Phew! Sometimes I get bored around my house! Especially when I get grounded from video games :)

Although I think showing this video like this right now is kind of messed up right now since we're in a depression and everyones doing financially bad right now... Oh well! That house will be mine later!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Amazing Beatboxer

Oh my god, that is just amazing! Even though I can beatbox better than this guy... he's still good at it :D!
This guy is better than most of the talent out there today in America. Beatboxing is definitely an origninal form of entertainment. And for all you people that are hating him, stop hating him because you can't do it! That man is genius freaking awesome and he chose to do one of the best loved games theme songs! Ever! Period! I want to see him in concert! Come to America! Americans would love to see the talent that you have and see what else you can beatbox. Keep doing it man, it sounds great!
Even though I can do better.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Spiderman Reboot!

You can't replace Tobey Maguire! A new Spiderman? What's wrong with this director! This new actor, Andrew Garfield, is going to play Spiderman in the new Spiderman reboot! Oh well, at least Tobey Maguire didn't ruin his career by doing this new Spiderman reboot... Spiderman 3 was bad enough, thank you very much!

I bet you that this new Spiderman reboot is going to be worse than the last one! The only way that action movie directors can think to make movies better now is by blowing more things up and that's not what Spiderman's about! I don't want to see another movie that's like Transmformers! I want to see Spiderman, a movie with a good plot and not just fighting all the time!

I wish they didn't reboot Spiderman, just re-made Spiderman 3 because that was the only bad one. I really liked Spiderman 1 and 2. Stupid movie people. Grrrr. I bet you this new actor is going to be a bad one too! I'm probably better than him!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Giant Predatory Whale

Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Scientists just discovered an ancient whale that could eat huge chunks out of other whales, like a sperm whale... but it's about 12 million years old? This is madness!!

This prehistoric whale grew up to 60 feet long, way huger than any whale currently living on Earth! The whale's name is the Leviathan melvillei, named for Herman Melville, the author of "Moby Dick." Man, they should have named it after me... the author of Moby Dick isn't as vicious as me! It's teeth are 14 inches long by itself! That's almost taller than my mom!

This whale was so big, it didn't eat fish and krill and other tiny stuff the way today's whales do. It dined on other whales. As a lover of paleontology (that's the study of fossils for you noobs) I'm thrilled they found the skull of this beast in a Peruvian desert. Now we can learn more about it!