Friday, July 2, 2010

Spiderman Reboot!

You can't replace Tobey Maguire! A new Spiderman? What's wrong with this director! This new actor, Andrew Garfield, is going to play Spiderman in the new Spiderman reboot! Oh well, at least Tobey Maguire didn't ruin his career by doing this new Spiderman reboot... Spiderman 3 was bad enough, thank you very much!

I bet you that this new Spiderman reboot is going to be worse than the last one! The only way that action movie directors can think to make movies better now is by blowing more things up and that's not what Spiderman's about! I don't want to see another movie that's like Transmformers! I want to see Spiderman, a movie with a good plot and not just fighting all the time!

I wish they didn't reboot Spiderman, just re-made Spiderman 3 because that was the only bad one. I really liked Spiderman 1 and 2. Stupid movie people. Grrrr. I bet you this new actor is going to be a bad one too! I'm probably better than him!

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