Thursday, July 1, 2010

Giant Predatory Whale

Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Scientists just discovered an ancient whale that could eat huge chunks out of other whales, like a sperm whale... but it's about 12 million years old? This is madness!!

This prehistoric whale grew up to 60 feet long, way huger than any whale currently living on Earth! The whale's name is the Leviathan melvillei, named for Herman Melville, the author of "Moby Dick." Man, they should have named it after me... the author of Moby Dick isn't as vicious as me! It's teeth are 14 inches long by itself! That's almost taller than my mom!

This whale was so big, it didn't eat fish and krill and other tiny stuff the way today's whales do. It dined on other whales. As a lover of paleontology (that's the study of fossils for you noobs) I'm thrilled they found the skull of this beast in a Peruvian desert. Now we can learn more about it!

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