Tuesday, February 9, 2010

FCAT Writes

FCAT Writes. Kids despise it, parent's enjoy their kids taking it, teachers LOVE it! Luckily for us kids in Florida, the FCAT Writes only come 3 times in our whole school life! Once in 4th, once in 8th, and once in 10th! Unfortunately, today was one of the days I had to take it, and I have to admit my Language Arts teacher Mr. Gurreonero did a very good job of teaching me and I think I got a six out of six! Plus, I got a wayyy better prompt than I did in fourth grade! In fourth grade my prompt was, "If you had to be an animal in a zoo what animal would you be? Explain." I still remember that prompt, only because it was so stupid though! My prompt this year was much more reasonable and understandable. It was "What was the biggest change between middle school and elementary school? Explain." Yes, us kids despise the FCAT Writes but this year for me it wasn't so bad and it always comes back to help you in the future. So I thank you FCAT Writes!

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