Friday, February 12, 2010

Seller's Shock!

It's not every day you see a real-life gold-in-the-attic tale play out on eBay. Last week, a North Carolina eBay thought she was putting up an everyday, 80s-era Nintendo Entertainment System. It turns out this system was almost worth more than me! And I'm very expensive! She sold it together with five games on the popular auction site, eBay. But less than an hour after the first bid, the price was over $6,000... on Wednesday, when the auction closed, the final selling price topped $13,000!

I asked myself, why? It turns out it wasn't even the game itself that was worth the bulk of the money. No, it was one of the games bundled with it - a 1987 release called Stadium Events, a highly sought after collectors' item. But wait. It wasn't the game either. It was the stupid original cardboard box! Collectors value the box at freaking $10,000. Fewer than 10 complete copies of the game are thought to exist. Gaming freaks consider it one of the hardest-to-find NES games ever made. Looks like this girl's got the gaming freaks all freaked out! Not for her, but for her game!

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