Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Federer's Amazing Shot!

Hahahahahaha! What just happened?! All I know is Federer is an amazing tennis player! What he did... how was that even possible?! That was possibly his best shot ever! EVER!! The shot itself just looks amazing, and it is amazing! The shot was such a winner, just like Federer himself! It'd be one thing if Federer went between his legs and hit it right back to Dabul... but he hit the ball in the one spot on the court that Dabul couldn't get it. All Dabul could do was stand flat-footed and watch. What a champ!

The Bed Intruder Song!

If you watched the above clip, you'll realize that the real story here didn't turn out to be the very serious attempted rape of a young woman in her bedroom, but the comical and colorful persona of her brother, Antoine Dodson. Due to this now famous internet clip, Antoine is now a You Tube sensation. Then along came the Gregory brothers to launch him into the stratosphere! Watch the video that they made, the now famous Bed Intruder Song! (The best song evaaa!)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

100 blog posts!

MY 100th BLOG POST?!? Wha?!?! Time actually DOES fly by! I thought that was just a saying!

Well, I started this blog in January and it's only taken me 8 months to write 100 blog posts. So you're probably thinking... 100 posts... 227 days... that's not daily! But hey, I try, I try.

So one of the reasons I haven't posted everyday like the title of my blog suggests is because I had another blog going on, Just Call me Dr. Xela, over the summer! Man that one was a lot more work! I had to watch a one hour show AND THEN do research AND THEN write about it. I like this blog though because I can just ramble along and write silliness and get away with it... but my other blog, my summer blog, was actual work!

Ahh, I'm actually feeling kind of pleased with myself with the amount of blog posts I've done. Then again, tomorow is another day... and I'll be on to post 101.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Home Alone Star All Grown Up

"Hey, you know that movie Home Alone?"

"Yeah, of course I do! Who doesn't?"

"Heh, good point, but anyway, the kid in it... good ol' what's his name... Maculay Culkin!

"Yeah... what about him?"

"He turned 30 today."

"What?! Really?! It seems like that movie was made yesterday!"

"It does, doesn't it! Time sure flies..."

This is a conversation between me and my friend had about the star from Home Alone, Maculay Culkin, and yes, it is true, he is turning 30 today! Unbelievable, huh?!

Macaulay Culkin was just 9 years old when he starred in Home Alone! I also found out that it's the highest-grossing live action comedy of all-time. I can't believe he's turning 30 today on August 26th! Look what he looks like now compared to when he was 9! He looks exactly the same, just larger! I wonder if he still makes that scream face...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed?

A pro golfer was disqualified before he even got out of bed! Actually the problem was he didn't get out of his bed. A golfer named Jim Furyk may be one of the best golfers in the WORLD... but he's got some seriously bad luck! On Wednesday, Jim's cell phone alarm didn't go off, making him late for the PGA Tour! The PGA Tour's rules on this are very clear: if you're not there in time, no tournament.

Jim said, "I'm kicking myself."

Sadly for Jim, missing the first round of the playoffs means he can no longer win the $10 million prize! Jim currently sits at Number 3 in the rankings. Still... being disqualified for not even making it to the first round is not exactly a good way to start. A $10 million lesson sure is a hard way to learn!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Best Driver in the World? Or worst? You choose!

This person barely evaded serious injury or even death! What a legit driver! Or a bad one that just happened to be very lucky!

This clip is only 10 seconds long... but it is an INTENSE 10 seconds. Check it... speeding metal boxes with people inside heading straight for you!! Is this the work of the world's worst (yet luckiest) driver? Or is this a suicidal maniac that's actually an AMAZING driver? The only word that comes out of my mouth is, "Whoa."

I wonder if this guy is one of those clueless people that goes around causing havoc and skipping along on their merry way saying, "Tra-la-la-la-la!" and having no idea what havoc they left behind them! Or maybe... just maybe... he realized what happened after the fact and that he just dodged disaster and he immediately pulled over and kissed the ground! That's what I would have done! Because by all rights be should be dead after that!

Monday, August 23, 2010

School's Back In

School's back! Ahhhhh! Every kid's nightmare! At least I know it's mine! Now instead of waking up at 6 P.M. I have to wake up at 6 A.M! Plus no more video games!! Nooooooooo!!! That's also what most people like on summers. Wait, that just the boys. The girls are all into, "Oh my god, look at my hair! Do you think he'll like it? He's so darn cute!"

Anyway, my first day of high school happened to go quite well! It was slow and boring but I survived! I had to sit through blah, blah, blah all day. Okay, it actually didn't sound like that, it actually sounded like rules! Code of conduct! Attention! Grades! That's all I heard for the whole day!

Well, I'm kind of sad school is back in but happy at the same time! I get to see friends :) but I have to do work :(

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Steven Slater - Hero?

JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater gave up Monday, exiting his plane and his career with a very dramatic flair. Why bring him up, you ask? People are calling him heroic... If you ask me, it took some guts to do what he did, but heroic might be pushing it just a little...

It's true, people are not usually happy to be sitting on a plane being cramped for sometimes over ten hours. If you go on a plane you have to strain to stuff giant bulging bags into crowded overhead bins, or check them at high cost, and then hope that the bag will arrive at the other end! Yeah. So planes and airports do get irratating, but you don't have to take it out on the flight attendants. Flight attendants take most of the heat, and that's why I think that job is a hard one.

Steven Slater had a good reason to get fed up! He was cursed by an annoying, obnoxious passenger over luggage. He then returned the insult over the plane's P.A. system so everyone could hear! :) Good move! He then lowered the emergency chute, grabbed a beer, thanked the better-behaved passengers on board and slid down apparently coming out... a celebrity? Even I don't know how that happened... I mean sure he has some guts, and I admire him for his actions, but describe him as heroic? I don't see how!