Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Best Driver in the World? Or worst? You choose!

This person barely evaded serious injury or even death! What a legit driver! Or a bad one that just happened to be very lucky!

This clip is only 10 seconds long... but it is an INTENSE 10 seconds. Check it... speeding metal boxes with people inside heading straight for you!! Is this the work of the world's worst (yet luckiest) driver? Or is this a suicidal maniac that's actually an AMAZING driver? The only word that comes out of my mouth is, "Whoa."

I wonder if this guy is one of those clueless people that goes around causing havoc and skipping along on their merry way saying, "Tra-la-la-la-la!" and having no idea what havoc they left behind them! Or maybe... just maybe... he realized what happened after the fact and that he just dodged disaster and he immediately pulled over and kissed the ground! That's what I would have done! Because by all rights be should be dead after that!

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