Saturday, August 28, 2010

100 blog posts!

MY 100th BLOG POST?!? Wha?!?! Time actually DOES fly by! I thought that was just a saying!

Well, I started this blog in January and it's only taken me 8 months to write 100 blog posts. So you're probably thinking... 100 posts... 227 days... that's not daily! But hey, I try, I try.

So one of the reasons I haven't posted everyday like the title of my blog suggests is because I had another blog going on, Just Call me Dr. Xela, over the summer! Man that one was a lot more work! I had to watch a one hour show AND THEN do research AND THEN write about it. I like this blog though because I can just ramble along and write silliness and get away with it... but my other blog, my summer blog, was actual work!

Ahh, I'm actually feeling kind of pleased with myself with the amount of blog posts I've done. Then again, tomorow is another day... and I'll be on to post 101.

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