Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed?

A pro golfer was disqualified before he even got out of bed! Actually the problem was he didn't get out of his bed. A golfer named Jim Furyk may be one of the best golfers in the WORLD... but he's got some seriously bad luck! On Wednesday, Jim's cell phone alarm didn't go off, making him late for the PGA Tour! The PGA Tour's rules on this are very clear: if you're not there in time, no tournament.

Jim said, "I'm kicking myself."

Sadly for Jim, missing the first round of the playoffs means he can no longer win the $10 million prize! Jim currently sits at Number 3 in the rankings. Still... being disqualified for not even making it to the first round is not exactly a good way to start. A $10 million lesson sure is a hard way to learn!

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