Monday, August 23, 2010

School's Back In

School's back! Ahhhhh! Every kid's nightmare! At least I know it's mine! Now instead of waking up at 6 P.M. I have to wake up at 6 A.M! Plus no more video games!! Nooooooooo!!! That's also what most people like on summers. Wait, that just the boys. The girls are all into, "Oh my god, look at my hair! Do you think he'll like it? He's so darn cute!"

Anyway, my first day of high school happened to go quite well! It was slow and boring but I survived! I had to sit through blah, blah, blah all day. Okay, it actually didn't sound like that, it actually sounded like rules! Code of conduct! Attention! Grades! That's all I heard for the whole day!

Well, I'm kind of sad school is back in but happy at the same time! I get to see friends :) but I have to do work :(

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