Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Flying Car

A flying car... think of the possibilities, man! That's pretty awesome, don't ya think?! People would say, "Hey! That's pretty cool, a flying car!" And then they would ask me for a ride. Then I would be able to say, "Heck no! Buy your own car/plane!" Sure they're pretty expensive but it's worth it! I mean, you won't have to pay to take airline flights anymore which will save you a BUNCH of money! I can't believe I thought flying cars wouldn't come until around the year 2030! Humph... technology really is lifting off the ground now! The car is $194,000 which is pretty expensive because it's the first and only flying car, but I'm sure the car/plane will pay for itself after a little while! You'll have your own little plane that also drives you around! Hey take a look at what amazed me a lot!

Flying Car Video - Terrafugia @ Yahoo! Video

Monday, June 28, 2010

Family Reunion

Family reunions are the best! I just had one in West Virginia in fact! I stayed at Embassy Suites with the breakfast buffet and I had a great time. The first thing I did was I got in the pool on Thursday night and I swam until I was dead! I got in the pool 6 times on that three day trip! I woke up the next morning at around 10 and had the all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. Boy, I was stuffed! Omelets, bacon, hash browns, what else could a boy want? I then went to my cousins house and relaxed. After that, we went to a THREE STORY MALL. I had a lot of fun! The food court was goooooood! I relaxed a lot too, just watching T.V. or sitting down and talking with my cousins. I also had a fabulous picnic the day before I left! We stayed there for 5 hours but it felt like 1! I hiked on a trail with a couple of my cousins for almost 2 miles until we turned around! On my last day, we had a barbeque and I played blackjack with a couple of my older cousins and my dad and I won $2! :) What an accomplishment! I said my farewells and sadly left, wishing I could stay longer. I loved West Virginia and I love my family and family reunions and hope I have another one very soon!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Michael Jackson Outbreak

Wait... Michael Jackson is dead isn't he? Yeah he is... then how is he selling all these albums? I guess it sounds strange to say this, but Michael Jackson is coming off one of the biggest years of his career! I told you it would sound wierd! But Michael Jackson has sold more than 9 million albums and nearly 13 million digital tracks in the U.S. in the year since his death! He even got a hit movie and I can't believe he's dead. At least people actually focused on his music for the first time in many years... it was then that they remembered how much they liked it. I can't believe it took his death for people to realize that. I wish Michael was still here with us today so he can see his success.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

World Cup Fail

I thought England was supposed to be a great soccer playing team that was going to win the world cup or something! I must have been wrong! Because they're doing horribly! Just look at their goalie!

Hahahaha, England is never going to win that way. My hopes in England have been bought down since this goalie missed this goal. They're about to go out when everyone thought they were going to win the cup! Maybe if they had a better goalie they could have won... but for now it's just going to end up like this.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Dang! People in America are getting fatter by the minutue, eating 10 big macs in a day and what not!! Super-size me. These people are eating poorly, exercising less... actually they're not excersing at all! Probably just watching other people excercise on T.V. playing sports! Darn McDonalds! Even if it's so dang good! Just look what it's doing to our people! That's just disturbing. I know I'm getting back onto my excercise plan now! All I've been doing all summer is loafing around and playing videogames! This has definitely given me some motivation!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sea Turtle Star!

Sea turtle bites at camera and then winks! Say whatttt?! Move over James Cameron! A sea turtle winked at a waterproof cameraand he is now all over YouTube!!

This amazing turtle spotted a camera underwater and went over to it, he then tried to bite the camera! I guess he was hungry, as all turtles are, and then he swam away winking twice before he left. The jazz music in the background makes it perfect :) Here - watch the video!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tortoise saves another Tortoises Life

We all have our moments when we feel like we're a hero! Although tortoises never get that chance that much in life. But this tortoise did and he's going to remember it for the rest of his life and he can tell all of his little tortoise friends, "I saved another tortoises life!" In fact, there's the video right there that the tortoise can brag about. This tortoise is just like "I'm the kind of tortoise that goes around saving lives and doing good deeds just for the hell of it!" Hope you enjoy! I sure did.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Epic Mickey

Mickey Mouse was supposed to turn bad in the upcoming video game Epic Mickey.

In this video game they went to turn our beloved Mickey Mouse into a snarling rat and have the player make mischievious choices. One thing that astonished me was that you had steal treasures from a store! Instead of the Mickey everyone loves, they wanted to make Mickey take on a bad look, as if he's naughty.

Luckily Disney was smart enough to change their minds about changing Mickey's image that much. When Disney asked people if they liked the new Mikey, the first person they asked was a tough biker dude and they expected him to say "I love what you guys did!" But he actually said "No! Don't mess with my childhood!" Which I thought was really funny.

I hope they don't make this game. It's going to set a bad example for kids since kids look up to Mickey and we will have more criminals in this world.

Starbucks Coffee

Finally, Starbucks! Finally, finally, finally! STARBUCKS WI-FI IS FREE! WAHOOOOOO! No more $20 per month for wi-fi! Whew, I don't think I can celebrate anymore I'm so happy. Now I can go to Starbucks with my friends with my Netbook and not have to pay $20 to use the internet! The only bad thing now is they're charging $6 for a cup of coffee. Now we have to argue for that! $2 FOR ONE CUP OF COFFEE! $2 FOR ONE CUP OF COFFEE! I hope it works.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rockband 3!

Rock Band 3 has made a comeback, baby! They made a new instrument you can play, which is a keyboard.

The new Rockband will work just like the other Rock Bands, making players match colored notes that are flowing down a virtual highway. The keyboard isn't just another plastic toy though! Having 25 keys, it plays just like a normal keyboard! It can even be used outside the game, which is amazing!!

The more realistic approach on this game is a new mode that goes along with Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert! The new one is PRO! Whoa, that sounds legit! Playing keyboards in this mode requires the use of all 25 keys! It's almost like playing the actual keyboard! Rockband is turning gamers into real players without the gamers even knowing!

The Pro mode will be extended into the other instruments as well. For guitarists, you may have to slide your hands up down the neck with all 6 strings! The way you play music on the screen will will still be the familiar colored notes. "You can tell where your fingers are based on technology in the neck and the bridge of the guitar. No buttons," Harmonix PR head John Drake states.

This new Rockband seems fun, hard, and it's actually teaching you something, like how to play the instruments the right way! I can't wait to get it and play it 24/7 with my brother! (I'm a guitar player and my brother's a drum player!)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Spirit Airlines!

$45 to carry on one... just one carry-on bag onto a Spirit Airlines plane! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE FOOLIGANS? Have they lost their minds? They're going to lose all their customers that way. I know they've just lost my business... for good. If you have a family of 5 and each member only takes one bag, it would add up to TWO-HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS! EXTRA! On top of the fare you've already paid!

Spirit Airlines has really been losing it lately. The pilots in Miami, Florida went on strike leaving people stranded and scrambling for alternative flights. Some needed to get home for work, some to pay the bills, and all Spirit Airlines was giving was a 100 point credit! Yeah... they've really lost their minds over there. This is what I call a good way to go out of business.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pedestrian Hit by Train in Pompano

Now I live right by Pompano, and I'm sure this was in no way, shape or form the train operator's fault. The stupid man that got hit was probably drunk! The train operator probably tried to stop, but you can't stop a drunk man running towards what he thinks is the "light" at 7 p.m! It happened on the tracks south of Atlantic Boulevard and west of Interstate 95.

So let this be a lesson to you people who drink at night! After you drink, don't drive. And if you walk, don't walk onto a train track where the train is coming right for you! Trust me, it is NOT the light, it will bring you to the "light" literally. So make yourself useful, go help out at the oil spill BP caused! I heard they have a bunch of volunteers but not enough! GO! I said GO! NOW! STOP READING THIS. OR THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BP Oil Spill

Ok... I'll try and put this nicely for BP...


Well, that was nice. My whole summer is pretty much ruined now because of the oil spill BP caused. Reefs and animals in the ocean are dying, BP isn't doing anything about it, by the way. Did I mention I can't go to the beach this summer now?! I wanted to go boogie boarding but now I can't go in the water because of the stupid oil from BP. This is probably the worst thing that's happened in a few years besides Sarah Palin almost becoming vice president!