Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Epic Mickey

Mickey Mouse was supposed to turn bad in the upcoming video game Epic Mickey.

In this video game they went to turn our beloved Mickey Mouse into a snarling rat and have the player make mischievious choices. One thing that astonished me was that you had steal treasures from a store! Instead of the Mickey everyone loves, they wanted to make Mickey take on a bad look, as if he's naughty.

Luckily Disney was smart enough to change their minds about changing Mickey's image that much. When Disney asked people if they liked the new Mikey, the first person they asked was a tough biker dude and they expected him to say "I love what you guys did!" But he actually said "No! Don't mess with my childhood!" Which I thought was really funny.

I hope they don't make this game. It's going to set a bad example for kids since kids look up to Mickey and we will have more criminals in this world.

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