Monday, June 28, 2010

Family Reunion

Family reunions are the best! I just had one in West Virginia in fact! I stayed at Embassy Suites with the breakfast buffet and I had a great time. The first thing I did was I got in the pool on Thursday night and I swam until I was dead! I got in the pool 6 times on that three day trip! I woke up the next morning at around 10 and had the all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. Boy, I was stuffed! Omelets, bacon, hash browns, what else could a boy want? I then went to my cousins house and relaxed. After that, we went to a THREE STORY MALL. I had a lot of fun! The food court was goooooood! I relaxed a lot too, just watching T.V. or sitting down and talking with my cousins. I also had a fabulous picnic the day before I left! We stayed there for 5 hours but it felt like 1! I hiked on a trail with a couple of my cousins for almost 2 miles until we turned around! On my last day, we had a barbeque and I played blackjack with a couple of my older cousins and my dad and I won $2! :) What an accomplishment! I said my farewells and sadly left, wishing I could stay longer. I loved West Virginia and I love my family and family reunions and hope I have another one very soon!

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