Saturday, June 12, 2010

Spirit Airlines!

$45 to carry on one... just one carry-on bag onto a Spirit Airlines plane! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE FOOLIGANS? Have they lost their minds? They're going to lose all their customers that way. I know they've just lost my business... for good. If you have a family of 5 and each member only takes one bag, it would add up to TWO-HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS! EXTRA! On top of the fare you've already paid!

Spirit Airlines has really been losing it lately. The pilots in Miami, Florida went on strike leaving people stranded and scrambling for alternative flights. Some needed to get home for work, some to pay the bills, and all Spirit Airlines was giving was a 100 point credit! Yeah... they've really lost their minds over there. This is what I call a good way to go out of business.

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