Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Of ALL the Luck!

In a baseball game, a batter was up at plate called Denard Span. *Crackle, Pop, Snap!* you hear as the baseball hits the wooden bat. *Woosh!* The ball's suddenly in the air... OH NO, it's a foul ball, but wait, it's going into the stands, and who's that in the ball's path? WHAT?! What did you say? That's not possible! *SLUG!* A lady's on the floor? "PARAMEDICS?! OVER HERE!"

Suddenly, you see Denard racing top speed towards the woman! I always thought baseball players were heartless so... what's the rush? Ahhh, I knew it. Here's the catch. Denard kneels over the lady... it's his mom! So that's why he was running... I mean, at least in the end, all ended well and she ended up watching the game... in a relocated seat!

Bleh!! A Bathynomus Giganteus?

Wow. Scientist's are really on a roll here. Another new type of species found in the sea called a Bathynomus Giganteus? Sounds... big. Anyway, this nasty looking thing was brought back on a submarine when the sub found it on its underwater journey.

When I saw this thing I said, "So what the heck is it?"

Then I found out something entertaining and horrifying. It's a crustacean that dwells in deep Atlantic and Pacific waters. It passes its time by feeding on dead whales, fish, and squid. Imagine that, this little thing going around eating dead whales, fish, and squid, then walking off like, la dee da dee doo, like nothing happened. This thing must be horrifying, eh? Let's look at some more pictures!
("Warning. May give you nightmares. =D)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Millionaires Vacation Spots

I always wondered where rich people like Bill Gates would vacation. Now I know! It's been released where Bill Gates vacations. He vacations in a very nice place that takes a lot of money to go too! It's called, Apussuit Adventure Camp, in West Greenland. It's a skiing resort! I didn't know old and smart people skiied! This place is a remote skiing resort 15 miles outside of another town called, Maniitsoq. This resort has no ski lifts and, more importantly, no other people! This isn't safe for an old, smart person! They could get hurt and even die! But I guess he's smart, so if he's in a life or death situation he can use his brains to get him out!

The Finishing Touch

Hahahahaha! This made me laugh so hard when I read it! A coach in Houston called Mike Krzyzewski (I know it's a crazy name!) had done pretty much everything he could think of after he had a victory in a baskeball game winning by only six points. He ripped down the nets, bear-hugged his team and high-fived all the hands dangling over the railings after he advanced to the Final Floor. Only then... he heard a voice.

“Hey Coach!” a player from the team called. “You forgot your wife!”

I couldn't help but chuckle when I read this. It was then stated that his bride, Mickie, was trotting towards him! Somehow... he shared his pleasure with everyone, but the person he loved the most! How peculiar!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


At one point in my life, I thought I had counted every star in the sky. I was wrong. Don't try it. Scientists recently announced that there may be a billion (that's billion with a "b") more stars out there than they thought.

How could sky watchers have missed so many stars? I thought they were good at this stupid stuff! It's their JOB! They're professionals at this, yet they're wrong. Apparently, astronomers rely on ultraviolet lights to determine the number of stars in the cosmos. But scientists recently found out that's the wrong way to count stars.
At least this story made a lot of people smarter. It inspired a bunch of internet searches on everything from "how many stars in the sky" to "how to count stars." So now we not only have a bunch more stars in the sky but we have a bunch more smart people too.

So now, tonight, I'm going to go count the stars. Just because I do the opposite of whatever's told of me. =)

Harry Potter's Wizarding World

Since I read my first Harry Potter book at age 9, I've always wished I could visit that castle he had all his amazing journeys in. I knew that would be impossible though. At least that's what I thought. But on June 19th, 2010, everyone will be able to go to Hogwarts and experience everything he did. Well, almost everything. Hopefully we won't be almost dying the way Harry does in almost every book!
Hogwarts Castle is located in Universal's Islands of Adventures in Orlando, Florida! About a two hour drive from where I live! This castle's going to be AMAZING! Check out some pictures for yourself!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Ancestor Found?

Scientists recently found a tiny little pinky finger bone in a cave in Siberia and discovered that its DNA was pre-human and didn't belong to any known species. Bingo bango! A new link in the chain of human DNA! Not a Neanderthal, not a modern human, but a whole new species. They've nicknamed this new "creature" (I don't think that's a very respectful way to refer to our possible ancestor!) has been nicknamed "Woman X". Imagine that. They can tell, from a tiny little pinky bone, that it's a woman, that it's from an unknown species, and that it's pre-human. With all that scientists can figure out nowadays, they should soon be able to tell us what her name was!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Johnny Depp, Demented Sleepwalker?

There are a few things that could be happening in this photo of Johnny Depp.
He could have been sleepwalking and wandered into the street in these great looking pajamas. Nope. He's wearing shoes. That would mean he sleeps in his shoes. Not likely.
Maybe this is the new fashion. Walking the streets in your pajamas. It's possible. He lives in France. French fashion is notoriously unpredictable and often misses the mark.
He could possibly be filming his new film "The Tourist" on the streets of Venice, Italy.
Um, I think I'm going to go with the movie thing.
Unless Johnny Depp has just lost his mind.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pi Day

The whole world uses the mathematical term Pi! Heck, on Friday in school I had fun doing something called Pi Day and I thought my teacher just made it up as an activity. Apparently it's real! Pi Day is a holiday to celebrate the mathematical term called Pi. It looks like this π.

Pi Day is celebrated on 3/14 - today! It's on 3/14 for two reasons. The first is because the numerical digits of Pi is 3.14 and the second is that 3/14 is Albert Einstein's birthday. What an amazing coincidence! And a great reason to have a mathematical celebration.

There is another holiday about Pi called Pi Approximation Day. It is celebrated on July 22, because of the Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes. His first approximation of Pi was 22/7. Later, Archimedes was able to calculate a much-better approximation of Pi.

Friday, March 12, 2010

"The Book Police"

WOW! The book police are real!

Poor Aaron Henson was driving his car down the street minding his own business when he saw flashing lights from a cop car in his rear view mirror. He pulled over thinking he was getting a speeding ticket until he found out he was getting arrested for on overdue DVD! He thought the cop was kidding him! (And so did I when I read this!)

Aaron then spent the next EIGHT grueling hours in a county jail! He was fingerprinted, photographed, and booked. All for an overdue DVD. Wow! The cops in this town scare me. I wonder what you get for littering. A life sentence?

When Aaron's father came to bail him out, he couldn't believe it either. His mother's reaction was amazement too. "There's no such thing as the book police," she stated, dazed. Apparently, there is!

So if you live in Littleton, Colorado, watch out. Those flashing lights in your rear view mirror could be coming for you.

So here's my ode to the patrons of the Littleton-Bemis Public Library:
You better watch your butt
Return those books too!
Don't want the book po-po on YOU!

Yeah, baby! I'm such a poet!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spoon Reflections

For some wierd reason, people around the world are now asking, "Why is my reflection upside down on the top side of a spoon? "

I looked further into it and found out that the spoon acts as a concave mirror. This means when an object is beyond the length of focus on a concave mirror the image is reduced in size and inverted. So when you look into a spoon, that's what you see. Try it! Look at your reflection on the top side of a spoon, it's upside down, then look at it on the bottom side and you're right side up!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Job That Pays Outside!

The idea of me sitting inside a fluorescent-lit office all day in the future drives me crazy! But I found out some good news! There ARE careers out there that let you go out and breathe fresh air!!! A Landscape Architect is one of these jobs. I have a little green thumb if I may say so myself. If you do too, landscape architecture might be the field for you. Landscape architects have the fun job of creating outside spaces that are functional, attractive, and fit in with the natural surroundings. I'm definitely looking into this!

If you're creative and love the outdoors, this career is a blessing for you too! You can spend your time either designing and planning, or working at the outdoor site. I guess I am still going to be able to have fun when I'm an adult!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Goalie Scores Own Goal

HAHAHAHA!! This video made me laugh so hard. Soccer players, or footballers as they call it over in Europe, are always finding new ways to score on their own team. But this might be the first time overpowering winds are to blame for scoring a goal!

This video caught my eye because of the way the goalie, with an assist from the wind, scored in his own goal. I also found this funny because something similar happened to me at a birthday party! I kicked the ball from my end of the field as a goalie and it hit my friend's back on my team and rebounded off his back and into the goal again!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bagged Salads - Not So Clean

Not that I eat bagged salads anyway, but maybe YOU should stop the next time you're about to buy one at the store. People think they're eating so healthy when they eat salad, and yes, salads are healthy, but not with all the salad dressing people slather over it! It's a proven fact that with all the salad dressing you put on a salad, a normal meal would have just been healthier.
Now, I've found out something even scarier about salads! I found out that packaged salads are not nearly as clean as their "PRE-WASHED" and "TRIPLE WASHED" labels say they are. Bleh, bleh bleh!!! Even if I did eat salad, I would have stopped! Don't want to get sick! Guess I better go warn my mom. She LOVES salad!