Monday, March 1, 2010

Bagged Salads - Not So Clean

Not that I eat bagged salads anyway, but maybe YOU should stop the next time you're about to buy one at the store. People think they're eating so healthy when they eat salad, and yes, salads are healthy, but not with all the salad dressing people slather over it! It's a proven fact that with all the salad dressing you put on a salad, a normal meal would have just been healthier.
Now, I've found out something even scarier about salads! I found out that packaged salads are not nearly as clean as their "PRE-WASHED" and "TRIPLE WASHED" labels say they are. Bleh, bleh bleh!!! Even if I did eat salad, I would have stopped! Don't want to get sick! Guess I better go warn my mom. She LOVES salad!

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