Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Of ALL the Luck!

In a baseball game, a batter was up at plate called Denard Span. *Crackle, Pop, Snap!* you hear as the baseball hits the wooden bat. *Woosh!* The ball's suddenly in the air... OH NO, it's a foul ball, but wait, it's going into the stands, and who's that in the ball's path? WHAT?! What did you say? That's not possible! *SLUG!* A lady's on the floor? "PARAMEDICS?! OVER HERE!"

Suddenly, you see Denard racing top speed towards the woman! I always thought baseball players were heartless so... what's the rush? Ahhh, I knew it. Here's the catch. Denard kneels over the lady... it's his mom! So that's why he was running... I mean, at least in the end, all ended well and she ended up watching the game... in a relocated seat!

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