Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pi Day

The whole world uses the mathematical term Pi! Heck, on Friday in school I had fun doing something called Pi Day and I thought my teacher just made it up as an activity. Apparently it's real! Pi Day is a holiday to celebrate the mathematical term called Pi. It looks like this π.

Pi Day is celebrated on 3/14 - today! It's on 3/14 for two reasons. The first is because the numerical digits of Pi is 3.14 and the second is that 3/14 is Albert Einstein's birthday. What an amazing coincidence! And a great reason to have a mathematical celebration.

There is another holiday about Pi called Pi Approximation Day. It is celebrated on July 22, because of the Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes. His first approximation of Pi was 22/7. Later, Archimedes was able to calculate a much-better approximation of Pi.

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