Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bleh!! A Bathynomus Giganteus?

Wow. Scientist's are really on a roll here. Another new type of species found in the sea called a Bathynomus Giganteus? Sounds... big. Anyway, this nasty looking thing was brought back on a submarine when the sub found it on its underwater journey.

When I saw this thing I said, "So what the heck is it?"

Then I found out something entertaining and horrifying. It's a crustacean that dwells in deep Atlantic and Pacific waters. It passes its time by feeding on dead whales, fish, and squid. Imagine that, this little thing going around eating dead whales, fish, and squid, then walking off like, la dee da dee doo, like nothing happened. This thing must be horrifying, eh? Let's look at some more pictures!
("Warning. May give you nightmares. =D)

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