Saturday, March 27, 2010


At one point in my life, I thought I had counted every star in the sky. I was wrong. Don't try it. Scientists recently announced that there may be a billion (that's billion with a "b") more stars out there than they thought.

How could sky watchers have missed so many stars? I thought they were good at this stupid stuff! It's their JOB! They're professionals at this, yet they're wrong. Apparently, astronomers rely on ultraviolet lights to determine the number of stars in the cosmos. But scientists recently found out that's the wrong way to count stars.
At least this story made a lot of people smarter. It inspired a bunch of internet searches on everything from "how many stars in the sky" to "how to count stars." So now we not only have a bunch more stars in the sky but we have a bunch more smart people too.

So now, tonight, I'm going to go count the stars. Just because I do the opposite of whatever's told of me. =)

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