Friday, March 12, 2010

"The Book Police"

WOW! The book police are real!

Poor Aaron Henson was driving his car down the street minding his own business when he saw flashing lights from a cop car in his rear view mirror. He pulled over thinking he was getting a speeding ticket until he found out he was getting arrested for on overdue DVD! He thought the cop was kidding him! (And so did I when I read this!)

Aaron then spent the next EIGHT grueling hours in a county jail! He was fingerprinted, photographed, and booked. All for an overdue DVD. Wow! The cops in this town scare me. I wonder what you get for littering. A life sentence?

When Aaron's father came to bail him out, he couldn't believe it either. His mother's reaction was amazement too. "There's no such thing as the book police," she stated, dazed. Apparently, there is!

So if you live in Littleton, Colorado, watch out. Those flashing lights in your rear view mirror could be coming for you.

So here's my ode to the patrons of the Littleton-Bemis Public Library:
You better watch your butt
Return those books too!
Don't want the book po-po on YOU!

Yeah, baby! I'm such a poet!

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