Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Dollar Bill

Money, money, money. One thing in the world I love truly! Only recently have I and others found out there may be more meaning to a dollar bill then just a slip of paper with ink on it. I have found out that in the corner next to the 1 is either a hidden owl or a hidden spider! Amazing, isn't it?!

Also, money isn't just made of paper, it's made of cotton and linen, which is why it doesn't fall apart in the wash like paper. If you look closely on the face you can see red and blue lines that looks like lint but doesn't scratch off!

Let's not forget on the face of a dollar, what does the letter inside the circular seal mean? I didn't know this for a while but the black seal with the big letter in the middle signifies the Federal Reserve bank that placed the order for the bill. A = Boston, B = New York City, C = Philadelphia, D = Cleveland, E = Richmond, Va., F = Atlanta, G = Chicago, H = St. Louis, I = Minneapolis, J = Kansas City, K = Dallas. Interesting huh?! The dollar bill is more than just paper and ink. It looks more like a proud motto of our America!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Aptly Named iPad

The iPad. A wonderful invention and a wonderful name. Never mind that it sounds like the name of a feminine hygiene product. It fits into the Apple family of names, like its famous predecessor, iPod.

Unfortunately the name cannot be used. An invention in Japan has been named the iPad, and they have a problem with Apple using their name. Japan's Fujitsu says it launched their product one year ago. The name has also been used for small engines.

Well, I don't care. I know for a fact I'm definitely getting an iPad. I mean who wouldn't want one?! It's like an iPhone and a MacBook combined and put on steroids! (Except it can't make phone calls or take pictures, and it has a teeny-tiny memory!) I just hope they get to keep the name because I think it's kind of cool.

LeBron James is a baby!!

Little baby LeBron James needs his baby bottle. The first quarter of a game against the Wolves, LeBron James kicks Gatorade cups and a water cooler into the crowd because he got a technical foul and got benched. I mean, what a baby! He's just lucky the ref's didn't see because sending anything into the stands is strictly against NBA rules! Although the ref didn't see him, the vice president of basketball operations slapped him across the face with a $25,000 fine! Looks like the little baby just got served in his own game!

Friday, January 29, 2010


If you are so fat that you can kill your boyfriend by sitting on him, then there is something wrong with you. This girl sat on her 120 pound boyfriend and killed him! then she walked away free with only 4 days of community service and 3 years of probation. That's just wrong. Obese people, I advise you now, don't sit on your boyfriend when he's three times smaller than you. Ouch.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4 Foods That Make You Look Younger

Foods can really make you look younger? That was my first question when I heard about this. It turns out they're four foods that can make you look younger.
The first one is sweet potato fries. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Beta-Carotene, an organic compound and classified as a terpenoid. Your body converts Beta-Carotene to vitamin A, a nutrient that helps to continually generate new, healthy skin cells.
The second one is Balsamic Carrots. These, like sweet potatos, have a generous amount of beta-carotene that helps the skin. I know I'm going to be eating my sweet potato fries and balsamic carrots when I'm old and I'll still look young and hip!
The third one is spinach marinara. Sounds nasty! But apparently it has a triple dose of wrinkle fighting oxidants. It has Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene all which fight to keep you looking like me. Good with sexy skin!
The last food that makes you look younger is toasted pecans! Yum, yum! I eat those already! Maybe that's why I look so young and cute! My doggy likes them too, but he likes anything that's food!
So now I know what food I'll be eating when I'm old and I am going to look so good I'll be as hot as the sun, as wet as the ocean, as dry as the desert and cold as ice.

World's Biggest Machine!!

The Bagger 288. The world's biggest machine! This machine is in Germany and is used in a coal stripmine. This thing weighs almost as much as my 3rd grade teacher at an amazing 45,000 TONS! It moves almost as slow as my 3rd grade teacher as well at 2 sluggish meters per minute, but it'll move that rubble as fast as Usain Bolt can run! It can dig up to 240,000 cubic meters of dirt a day although my dog does more! Also, it ran over a 60 ton bulldozer! How do you miss a bulldozer standing right in front of you?! I also want to know why they need a machine that big, but experts apparently say its so they can strip mine coal out of the ground, transport it hundreds of miles on massive trains, and take it to power stations where they burn it to make electricity. That's a pretty coal invention if you know what I'm saying!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Best Movie Ever?

James Cameron is about to beat himself at the box office! Avatar is getting ready to break the all-time box office record, passing the current number 1, another James Cameron creation, Titanic. My mom always says, "Money doesn't grow on trees." but for James Cameron it's oozing out of everywhere on his body and clothes! Avatar has 1.838 billion where the Titanic has 1.843! Avatar's gonna pass it soon alright because Titanic took 56 years to make that amount of money and Avatar only took 3 weeks! I have to admit this movie was great and he took enough time out of his life to make it, so he deserves all of that moola he has now! I can't wait for those new 3-D TV's to come out. I know I'll be watchin' Avatar all day! And for all those people that are sad that they can't go into the world of Avatar... maybe one day we'll evolve into giant blue people and have our world destroyed. Don't worry, keep dreamin'!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What a Pith-y!

Who knew the white part of oranges that no one likes is actually good for you? Apparently people are now eating it! It's called the pith and it's edible alright! I thought it was only good for stuffing my pillow, or cleaning my birdcage, or scrubbing my bathroom floor! Eating it? It never occured to me! Now health professionals are saying that the pith has some anti-cancer properties and anti-oxidants so it's good for you. It has great Vitamin C and fiber too! Healthy but untasty. What a pith-y!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another Pirates? Good Lord!

As if the third movie wasn't bad enough, the writer's of Pirates of the Carribean are really screwing up. They're writing a fourth Pirates of the Carribean called: The Fountain of Youth. The third movie was bad enough, thank you very much!! At least two actors had enough sense not to return, Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley. That should have just been a hint to not do another Pirates of the Carribean!!! The writers of these movies are on crack or something now... they have no idea where they're taking this series. They should have just stopped at the second movie. Fourth movie now? Way too far!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Annoying Orange

THE BEST YOUTUBE SERIES HAS RELEASED A NEW VIDEO!!! The Annoying Orange in my opinion is the best YouTube series ever! It is really funny. It's about an Orange that annoys every fruit that comes into his kitchen. The second Annoying Orange video is my favorite. The Annoying Orange 2: Plumpkin. Enjoy!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

American Idol

Yes... American Idol is back! And trust me when I say this: the contestants are extreme and determined this year. Some of them are horrible yet they still will not give up. Check it out.


Wow... Those are the only words that come to my mouth when I see some of the advertising nowadays. Don't you just love when you get those pop-ups that slow down your computer? Not to mention the fact that they just end up saying stupid things? I just got the most stupid pop-up you could ever get... and honestly I don't know where advertising is going anymore! Is this stupid stuff going to happen to me all the time? The pop-up said, "Join us to have a one in one million chance of winning A FREE BOX OF GENERAL MILLS, CHEERIOS!!!" I almost had a heart attack. A free box of Cheerios!!! How could I or anyone miss out on that oppurtunity?!? I mean really guys? Do you need to waste all this money advertising for one free box of Cheerios as the grand prize? I don't think you do! And everyone that actually enters this contest... that is just a shame.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An Armload of Kittys

Veterinarians. Saviors, heroes, angels. Common words to describe a vet. Recently, more then THREE dozen cats were rescued from a tiny New York apartment. It was only one bedroom! If they'd stayed in there much longer, their numbers could have grown to 150 cats or more! The cats were finally taken out of the apartment and that was their first time out of that room... ever! Which was then followed by their first visit to the vet... ever! And then they got their first vaccinations... ever! Followed by their first microchipping... ever! And now they're all up for adoption. So if you're feeling the urge, from the completely adorable picture above, to go out and adopt a kitten, please, feel free.

Monday, January 18, 2010

McDonalds to Shut Down!?!

McDonalds shutting down? Pssh... NO WAY!! McDonald's is the life and soul of fat obese people! How would we all survive without McDo-- Oh. It's just those crazy Venezuelans. Only Venezuelans would think it was a good idea to shut down all their McDonalds for 48 hours because somehow McDonalds has failed to pay their taxes even WITH all the income they make! You can't shut down McDonalds. They're unstoppable. After a nuclear holocaust, McDonalds will be the only thing left standing.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Valentine's Day!

Yay!!! It only comes once a year... it's Valentine's Day! I mean, I like Valentine's Day and everything, but do I really need to see naked flying cupids? They're cute and all, but why do I want to see them naked?!

I have a friend named Alex whose birthday is on Valentine's Day. Except he's the opposite of loving. He loves... to destroy.

Okay, it's true, I love Valentine's Day because I get all sorts of love cards from mysterious people! Like my parents!! (Bafflingly mysterious.)
I can't wait for Valentine's day to roll around this year though because I'm hoping to get a card from someone very special. My dog!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Martin Luther King Day

Yes! Martin Luther King Jr. Day! What a wonderful day!!! The main reason that blacks got to be where they are today! Also let's not forget, NO SCHOOL!!! Oh Lordy, I thank you for Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

So, I hear it's the what... 81st birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.? Boy, is he old now! I wonder, if he was still alive, how he would feel about where we are today. I think he would feel happy, proud, and empowered. Remember this famous quote? "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." If Martin Luther King Jr. was here today, he would look at Barack Obama and say, "My dream has come true."

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Tata Nano!

Hmmm... the world's cheapest car priced at $2,500 in India is coming to America, starting at $8,000 brand new? I think I've found my first car! My plan is fly to India, buy the car, get it shipped back to America and booyah!!! A $5,500 savings!!! (Of course, there's the price of flying there, so to compensate, I'll just take a tour around India while I'm there! A tour and a new car? I'm a genius!) So for a cheap car, it looks pretty good. Fuel effiecient too. Actually... I think it's a Smart Car! For much cheaper! Sounds like a good deal to me!

The Spy Next Door

What is Jackie Chan thinking?!?! An undercover babysitter in The Spy Next Door?! This is going to ruin his whole ninja reputation! I'm pretty sure this movie isn't going to be funny at all if the commercial is anything to go by. Because those jokes were bad. This movie is like that movie with Vin Diesel, the Pacifier. It's pretty much the same thing except they're making another famous strong guy lose his good reputation. Look at Jackie Chan now! I don't want to see Jackie Chan with poop on his hands unless it's bad guy poop!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Veggie Monster

First of all, I don't even want to know what Sesame Street was thinking when they came up with this idea. This is Veggie Monster. They replaced one of the most popular and beloved characters on Sesame Street... Cookie Monster. They replaced him with this guy. Look at him. He looks like he wants to say, "What is this crap? Why I am green? What the heck? Give me my cookies back, I'm not healthy!" I guess Sesame Street wants to show kids to eat their veggies, but not this way! Why not create a whole new character?! Veggie Monster is going to miss those phrases he used to get to say when he was Cookie Monster, like, "Me want cookie. Me eat cookie! Om nom nom nom!!!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Best 2009 Movie

Now I'm not a little kid anymore, but I still found Disney's animated blockbuster a funny amusing movie. I think it's the best of the year. The animation was excellent. I also liked the characters. Carl, the old man, acted heartless but actually had a huge heart on the inside. The fat boy, Russell, made the movie hilariously funny. Kevin, the playful bird, loved Russell and helped out Carl and Russell multiple times. My favorite character was Dug though. The talking dog was so funny. I love how he always stays loyal to Russell and Carl even when Carl is mean to him. This movie was the best of the year and made $293 million at the box office, coming in #4. I can't believe stupid Transformers beat this amazingly funny, action-packed movie!