Wednesday, January 27, 2010

World's Biggest Machine!!

The Bagger 288. The world's biggest machine! This machine is in Germany and is used in a coal stripmine. This thing weighs almost as much as my 3rd grade teacher at an amazing 45,000 TONS! It moves almost as slow as my 3rd grade teacher as well at 2 sluggish meters per minute, but it'll move that rubble as fast as Usain Bolt can run! It can dig up to 240,000 cubic meters of dirt a day although my dog does more! Also, it ran over a 60 ton bulldozer! How do you miss a bulldozer standing right in front of you?! I also want to know why they need a machine that big, but experts apparently say its so they can strip mine coal out of the ground, transport it hundreds of miles on massive trains, and take it to power stations where they burn it to make electricity. That's a pretty coal invention if you know what I'm saying!

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