Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Aptly Named iPad

The iPad. A wonderful invention and a wonderful name. Never mind that it sounds like the name of a feminine hygiene product. It fits into the Apple family of names, like its famous predecessor, iPod.

Unfortunately the name cannot be used. An invention in Japan has been named the iPad, and they have a problem with Apple using their name. Japan's Fujitsu says it launched their product one year ago. The name has also been used for small engines.

Well, I don't care. I know for a fact I'm definitely getting an iPad. I mean who wouldn't want one?! It's like an iPhone and a MacBook combined and put on steroids! (Except it can't make phone calls or take pictures, and it has a teeny-tiny memory!) I just hope they get to keep the name because I think it's kind of cool.

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