Thursday, January 21, 2010


Wow... Those are the only words that come to my mouth when I see some of the advertising nowadays. Don't you just love when you get those pop-ups that slow down your computer? Not to mention the fact that they just end up saying stupid things? I just got the most stupid pop-up you could ever get... and honestly I don't know where advertising is going anymore! Is this stupid stuff going to happen to me all the time? The pop-up said, "Join us to have a one in one million chance of winning A FREE BOX OF GENERAL MILLS, CHEERIOS!!!" I almost had a heart attack. A free box of Cheerios!!! How could I or anyone miss out on that oppurtunity?!? I mean really guys? Do you need to waste all this money advertising for one free box of Cheerios as the grand prize? I don't think you do! And everyone that actually enters this contest... that is just a shame.

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