Monday, January 25, 2010

Best Movie Ever?

James Cameron is about to beat himself at the box office! Avatar is getting ready to break the all-time box office record, passing the current number 1, another James Cameron creation, Titanic. My mom always says, "Money doesn't grow on trees." but for James Cameron it's oozing out of everywhere on his body and clothes! Avatar has 1.838 billion where the Titanic has 1.843! Avatar's gonna pass it soon alright because Titanic took 56 years to make that amount of money and Avatar only took 3 weeks! I have to admit this movie was great and he took enough time out of his life to make it, so he deserves all of that moola he has now! I can't wait for those new 3-D TV's to come out. I know I'll be watchin' Avatar all day! And for all those people that are sad that they can't go into the world of Avatar... maybe one day we'll evolve into giant blue people and have our world destroyed. Don't worry, keep dreamin'!

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