Friday, December 31, 2010


Can you believe how amazing this guy is at guitar?! His name is Paul Gilbert. I knew him before this video because I like his song Scarified! I just never knew he was THIS good at guitar! I wonder how long it took him to be able to play like that! I want to be able to play like that! Practice makes perfect though - and I don't like practice! I just want to be able to pick up on something the first time I try and if I can't I leave it! LOL But recently I started playing guitar again and I'm going to try and be just like him one day! Maybe after I've been playing for 70 years! Paul Gilbert might just be my new idol!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Epic Mickey Released

As you probably know - or don't know - the new video game Epic Mickey has been released! There is a unique twist to this Mickey Mouse game - Mickey Mouse is a bad guy!

In this video game they went to turn our beloved Mickey Mouse into a snarling rat and have the player make mischievious choices! They even have the player stealing treasures from a store! Uh, call me old-fashioned but I don't think this is smart for little kids who are going to be playing this game! They're going to think that it's all right to steal. I mean, if Mickey Mouse is doing it then it must be all right, right? Well it's not, kids! Don't! Don't copy Epic Mickey! He's bad! Run away, run away!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Batman?!?

Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Batman?! No thank you! I didn't like that first movie (Batman Begins) at all! I also didn't like the second movie (The Dark Knight)! For one thing the were both way too long! Besides they can't have the Joker anymore, at least not a good Joker, now that Heath Ledger's gone! They don't have a lot of info yet, but the two villains that are probably going to be in it are going to be the Riddler, played by Johnny Depp, and Catwoman, played by Angelina Jolie. All I know is my brother can go to that himself because I know my mom's with me on Batman! We both don't like it!

School's Almost Back!

School's almost back! Ahhhhh! Every kid's nightmare! At least I know it's mine! Now instead of waking up at 6 P.M. I have to wake up at 6 A.M! Plus no more video games!! Nooooooooo!!!

School is so slow and boring I barely survive! I have to sit through blah, blah, blah all day. If it's educational I think I block it out!

Well, I'm kind of sad school is back in because I have to do work ):
I'm happy at the same time though because I get to see friends again :)
I'm going to miss Winter Break. Well... onto Spring! :P

My 201st Blog Post!

MY 201st BLOG POST?!? Wha?!?! Time actually DOES fly by! I thought that was just a saying!

When I started this blog I wasn't exactly thrilled about it and I'M STILL NOT. Also, as you can probably tell I'm about 80 days behind, and you're probably thinking - hey that's not daily! But hey, I try, I try.

I like doing this blog better than the one I had to do over the summer because on that one I had to watch a ONE HOUR SHOW AND THEN WRITE ABOUT IT! With this blog I can just ramble along and write silliness and get away with it... but my other blog, my summer blog, was actual work!

Ahh, I'm actually feeling kind of pleased with myself with the amount of blog posts I've done. The dissapointing part is I only have 2 followers... me and my mom! Then again, tomorow is another day... and I'll be on to post 202. And maybe gain a few followers!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cheetah Spotted in Niger!

This ghostly looking Saharan cheetah looked like me a couple years ago, too skinny yet fast! This picture was taken in the country of Niger and the amazing part is that the chances of seeing and getting a picture of a Saharan cheetah are extremely high! Just like me again, either I don't feel like taking a picture or when I was in it you couldn't see me because I was too skinny and/or fast!

The amazing part of this is scientists say they barely see any Saharan cheetahs or get pictures because cheetahs are too fast, so they don't even have an estimate of how many are left in the world! It all comes down to this - are these cheetahs endangered?!?

Christmas Day

My Christmas Day was perfect! Go ahead tell me how yours was and what happened in the comments, I'm curious as to how other people celebrate their Christmas Day! Anyway, I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas! First thing I did was wake up super early because I was eager for presents! But nobody wanted to wake up so I forced to wait. -___-" The next thing I did was open presents! And I got the two things I wanted! The first thing was a longboard, along with shirts and candy from my stocking! Then my dad came by later and gave me the second only thing I wanted! The new 32 gig iPod with a camera! I'm a very grateful boy and couldn't have wished for anything else! *Cough long board gloves :P*

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rudolph Blood Vessel

Dude! I want this blood vessel in my brain! Some researchers at a university were studying the inner blood vessels of the brain and when they looked at the blood vessels of one of the volunteers, they were stunned by the find, as was I!!! This man's blood vessel looks like a reindeer with antlers flying through a starry sky! I can even see its eye and tail! In fact, it looks like Rudolph to me! There is even a red blob for a nose! And to think this happened right before Christmas! Maybe he's Santa...

Spider-Man Broadway Show Postponed

At the musical broadway show called Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark in New York City, there was a stage accident! They were about to perform in less then a week when the accident happened, postponing the show until February 7th! So as I was saying there was a preview performance on Monday. The preview performance resulted in a mess when a stunt went bad. A Spider-Man actor ended up in a free fall, where he landed in the orchestra pit in front of a stunned and confused audience! I would have clapped for the special effects if I was there! But then they turned on the houselights to announce the fact that wasn't supposed to happen! O.O

After the fall, the actor was rushed to Bellevue Hospital! He remained there overnight. I guess his spider sense didn't tell him the ropes were gonna snap...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

US population at 308.7 million!

OH MAH GAWD!! THE US HAS REACHED 308.7 MILLION PEOPLE! I didn't know we were THAT big! I'm proud that so many people live in America, and proud too of all the rights we have. That's one of the many reasons people live here. Also because the place is nice and upkept BECAUSE OF OUR TAXES! WHICH ARE EXTREMELY HIGH! But also because of all the rights we have!

Anyway, I'm glad my family and I live in America! I feel so awesome to be part of that 0.000000001% that made that number on the census! :)

Lunar Eclipse

So apparently, last night many around the world were able to witness a rare total lunar eclipse!!! Many were watching as the Earth passed directly between the sun and the full moon. While it did this, it covered the moon in shadow making the whole thing completely red! The event was really special because it also happened on the same day as the Winter Solstice - something that hasn't occurred in 372 years, and won't come around again until 2094. Man, I can't believe I missed it!!! The stupid thing came out at 2 A:M when I was sleeping! My friends Facebook status was: " saw the Lunar Eclipse and two shooting stars!!" That made me so jealous! Hopefully I'm still alive in 2094!

Christmas Gifts

Good God, getting Christmas gifts for people is hard! If you know they like something, you want to buy it for them, but then again you don't know if they have it already!

Also, another thing is people might be offended by the age limit on the item, for example, yesterday I was buying a present for Allison, my next door neighbor. She's 10 but she looks like she is 6! So I was going to buy her a board game for Christmas and the game looked really cool! The only problem was the age limit started at age 5 and we thought she might be offended so my mom made me put it back! x.x

Christmas is a great holiday. My favorite part is not giving - like most, but recieving ;) - not to mention one of my gifts came in the mail today! (it's a longboard! - sshhh!)

Happy Holidays! :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Decorations Overload!

Whoa! These people are like my neighbors! They over-decorate their whole house, the only difference is this house looks nice! There are a whole bunch of other houses like this as well!

Now I love the joy and the spirit of the holidays, but everyone needs to remember that electricity isn't free! I don't think it should be wasted either. I mean think about what just happened in Chile. Miners risk their lives every day so you have heat and lights to simply live! Two other things come to mind as well: how can they pull that much electricity without causing a blackout in the area, and how high is the electric bill for the month for some of these people!?

Now these decorations are amazing, I just think you don't need that many! If you decorate your house simply, people will still know you like and celebrate Christmas! Happy Holidays anyway!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blogs On Winter Break

I don't think that it is fair that I have to do blogs on WINTER BREAK. I think that's so messed up! The whole point of Winter Break would be to have a BREAK. BREAK!!! NO WORK, NO NOTHIN JUST RELAXIN' - which is video games and hanging out with my friends on my part. So here I am stuck, doing a blog while my brother goes around playing video games and gallivanting around town! Here I am not playing video games stuck at home doing blogs. How I am starting to love Winter Break already!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Break

WINTER BREAK! FINALLY! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WINTER BREAK IS FINALLY HERE! This week has been the longest week I have ever experienced, it felt like a year when it was only 5 days! I was so eager for Winter Break to come! The main reason I wanted it to come so bad is because my brother is here. Okay, I'm not going to lie... the biggest reason I wanted it to come would have to be the fact that I haven't played video games in a month! But you see, now that's going to be over! To be honest, I was supposed to be grounded for today and Saturday, but by being a good boy I got myself ungrounded (:

I got myself ungrounded for today by bringing a B up to an A in one of my classes, and I got ungrounded for tomorrow by getting a 100% on my vocabulary test today! I'M SO EXCITED! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! YAY!

Dog Anniversary

SO AS ALL OF YOU KNOW (because this blog is so popular and everything, I mean it has 3 followers! All which are me and my mom) MY ANNIVERSARY WITH MY DOG WAS TWO DAYS AGO. Sorry I haven't been writing blogs... school work is distracting! Even if you don't have any schoolwork to do! Like me :D

Anyway, me and my dog didn't really do anything special for our 2 year anniversary. I gave him some soup, he gave me some love. That's pretty much how it went down. We made out for at least 2 hours. Or more. I fed him, walked him, kissed him. It was the best anniversary ever! I have a feeling he enjoyed it too... whenever I open soup now he comes running!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Early Winter Break = Video Games

For the past few days I've realized what it truly means when your brother gets off of winter break before you. IT MEANS HE CAN PLAY VIDEO GAMES AND YOU CAN'T AND HE CAN RUB IT IN YOUR FACE. My brother got off school a week before me for winter break and I can't play video games on weekdays, so all he does while I can't play is play!!! RIGHT IN MY FACE! AND ALL I CAN DO IS WATCH HIM AND BE SAD ):

Why does stupid college have to let off before high school!? I'll be forced to watch him forever at this rate! It's only Tuesday! It feels like days everytime I'm forced to watch him! But if you look at it the easy way, it's only 2 more days until I can play video games! W0o0o0o0!! That's the whole meaning of Winter Break! Video Games!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Beijing Egg House

What the...?! This man really didn't like rent or something! A man named Dai Haifei is a 24-year-old architect in Beijing. He pulled an Einsten and used his brain power to find a solution to living rent-free! He built himself a mobile egg-shaped house that is powered by the sun!!! His "house" is 6 feet high and small enough to fit on the sidewalk! It's made of bamboo strips, wood chippings, sack bags, and grass seeds! That's just amazing!

This "house" has a solar panel on the roof that powers a lamp in the cramped yet supposedly cozy space. The house cost around $1,000 to build, which isn't that bad because he won't have to pay any bills like water or electric!

I don't know if I could manage living in that tiny space though, especially on the sidewalk with people walking by and the cars driving on the street! This man has taken living in tiny spaces to a whole new level! O__O

Unusual Gift...

Okay, why would anyone want to buy this for their dog?!
So I'm browsing on the internet trying to find something to write about on my blog and all of a sudden my eye cathces a side ad... it's says dog mustache - the perfect Chhristmas present for your dog! My eyes went wide! You would think dogs would want something edible, or something to play with... but a mustache? I mean, I'm sure the dog will figure out a good use for it... maybe learn how to stand on its hind legs, steal its masters wallet, put on an Inspector Gadget jacket and go in the store with a mustache on and get itself a "little treat." If you know what I mean!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Odd News!

WHAT!?! Okay, the three videos in this clip had me with my mouth wide open the whole time!

The first clip astonished me! The fact that a car went THROUGH the front door of a barber shop, and when the hair cutter looked around and saw that nobody was hurt, he went back to cutting hair! That's a devoted worker right there!

The second clip was just plain retarded! Scientists dressing up as pandas and taking other pandas out to the wild? Ehh, at least pandas are being saved! They're so fat! And squishy! Yet cute at the same time! Just like my dog...

The third clip, I just laughed at! I found it hilarious that everyone was looking foward to this giant Rudolph blow up and then as they're walking it down the street it pops! Hahahaha, I laughed for a good long time on that one! When it popped you can hear everyone go, "Nooooooooo!" That had me crackin' up!

What odd news... then again the title of the clip and the title of this blog explains it all!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Last Meal - Weird Request?

Prisoners on America's death row are allowed anything they would like to eat for their last meal before they are executed. I think this is a good thing! They're going to die, might as well be happy, right? Here is an unusual request I thought quite funny! Well, two unusual requests...

A man named Robert Buell asked for a single black olive! That one was funny but not very interesting... the next one is the weird one!

A man named Grasso was executed for using Christmas tree lights to strangle an 85-year-old woman! I know, harsh, right? 85 years old! If he wanted her to die, all he had to do was wait a little longer anyway! But his bizarre last meal request was for two dozen steamed mussels, two dozen steamed clams, a Burger King double cheeseburger, six barbecued spare ribs, two large milkshakes, a tin of Spaghettios with meatballs, half a pumpkin pie and strawberries and cream.

The funny part is, unfortunately for him, the length of his list seemed to confuse kitchen staff who made one little mistake. Grasso's last words were: "I did not get my Spaghettios, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.” Not to be a meaner or anything but I laughed when I read that quote and his bizzare request! Maybe they should have put that quote on his gravestone! lol

Monday, December 6, 2010

Obama Tongue Tied!

This made me smile! The fact that the president couldn't say a word! I understand though since he had 12 stiches on his lip...

President Obama couldn't say the word "superflous" but even if he didn't have the stiches that wouldn't be nearly as bad as George Bush, also known in my dictionary as "nu-cu-lear!" Either way, Obama and George Bush combined will never be as bad as my dad who can't say things like: Frodo, abombinable, roof, toilet, and so on! Some of them are ridiculously simple too, I mean words we use in every day life!

Don't worry Mister President! I wouldn't be embarrased if I were you! Just show them you can do it when your lip heals! I can't believe you're still playing basketball games too! You have the right to blame your lip. I would blame it fully, even if I couldn't say it when my lip was fully healed!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yeah, that's right, I'm grounded! What for? Let me advise you kids out there so you don't make the same mistakes as me! In other words... just listen to your mother! Most kids aren't happy when they are grounded you see, but for some reason, I was! Maybe it's the fact that there is more to life then video games! I hung out with friends Friday, and just tried to get over the fact I wasn't allowed to play video games. Saturday, I went to a Parenting Fair that was a lot of fun at the Promenade, still kind of upset I couldn't play video games. And today... today I played ALL DAY outside! Somehow - I don't know how so don't ask me - it was more fun then playing video games!!! I'm sure when my mother reads this blog she'll be saying, "IT'S A MIRACLE! HE FOUND SOMETHING ELSE IN LIFE BESIDES VIDEO GAMES! SOMETHING HEALTHY AND FIT TOO!" So the moral of this story, kids, is not to get yourself grounded, but to find other interests in life, don't always focus on the thing you're addicted to, video games in my case! Oh miracles do happen, Mother! The only drawback is I am sore -___- Sore, but looking good (:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, starts on December 1st. It starts usually with fun things! Like blessings (the least fun), games (the most fun), and festive foods (the second most fun. I like food!). Hanukkah celebrates the triumphs of ancient Jewish heroes! Hanukkah is a minor holiday in the Jewish year, which I found amazing because I thought it was huge! In the United States, though, this I did know, its closeness to Christmas has brought greater attention to Hanukkah and its gift-giving tradition!! I'm so smart! Happy Hanukkah people!