Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My 201st Blog Post!

MY 201st BLOG POST?!? Wha?!?! Time actually DOES fly by! I thought that was just a saying!

When I started this blog I wasn't exactly thrilled about it and I'M STILL NOT. Also, as you can probably tell I'm about 80 days behind, and you're probably thinking - hey that's not daily! But hey, I try, I try.

I like doing this blog better than the one I had to do over the summer because on that one I had to watch a ONE HOUR SHOW AND THEN WRITE ABOUT IT! With this blog I can just ramble along and write silliness and get away with it... but my other blog, my summer blog, was actual work!

Ahh, I'm actually feeling kind of pleased with myself with the amount of blog posts I've done. The dissapointing part is I only have 2 followers... me and my mom! Then again, tomorow is another day... and I'll be on to post 202. And maybe gain a few followers!

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