Thursday, December 9, 2010

Odd News!

WHAT!?! Okay, the three videos in this clip had me with my mouth wide open the whole time!

The first clip astonished me! The fact that a car went THROUGH the front door of a barber shop, and when the hair cutter looked around and saw that nobody was hurt, he went back to cutting hair! That's a devoted worker right there!

The second clip was just plain retarded! Scientists dressing up as pandas and taking other pandas out to the wild? Ehh, at least pandas are being saved! They're so fat! And squishy! Yet cute at the same time! Just like my dog...

The third clip, I just laughed at! I found it hilarious that everyone was looking foward to this giant Rudolph blow up and then as they're walking it down the street it pops! Hahahaha, I laughed for a good long time on that one! When it popped you can hear everyone go, "Nooooooooo!" That had me crackin' up!

What odd news... then again the title of the clip and the title of this blog explains it all!

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