Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yeah, that's right, I'm grounded! What for? Let me advise you kids out there so you don't make the same mistakes as me! In other words... just listen to your mother! Most kids aren't happy when they are grounded you see, but for some reason, I was! Maybe it's the fact that there is more to life then video games! I hung out with friends Friday, and just tried to get over the fact I wasn't allowed to play video games. Saturday, I went to a Parenting Fair that was a lot of fun at the Promenade, still kind of upset I couldn't play video games. And today... today I played ALL DAY outside! Somehow - I don't know how so don't ask me - it was more fun then playing video games!!! I'm sure when my mother reads this blog she'll be saying, "IT'S A MIRACLE! HE FOUND SOMETHING ELSE IN LIFE BESIDES VIDEO GAMES! SOMETHING HEALTHY AND FIT TOO!" So the moral of this story, kids, is not to get yourself grounded, but to find other interests in life, don't always focus on the thing you're addicted to, video games in my case! Oh miracles do happen, Mother! The only drawback is I am sore -___- Sore, but looking good (:

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