Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Gifts

Good God, getting Christmas gifts for people is hard! If you know they like something, you want to buy it for them, but then again you don't know if they have it already!

Also, another thing is people might be offended by the age limit on the item, for example, yesterday I was buying a present for Allison, my next door neighbor. She's 10 but she looks like she is 6! So I was going to buy her a board game for Christmas and the game looked really cool! The only problem was the age limit started at age 5 and we thought she might be offended so my mom made me put it back! x.x

Christmas is a great holiday. My favorite part is not giving - like most, but recieving ;) - not to mention one of my gifts came in the mail today! (it's a longboard! - sshhh!)

Happy Holidays! :)

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