Monday, December 6, 2010

Obama Tongue Tied!

This made me smile! The fact that the president couldn't say a word! I understand though since he had 12 stiches on his lip...

President Obama couldn't say the word "superflous" but even if he didn't have the stiches that wouldn't be nearly as bad as George Bush, also known in my dictionary as "nu-cu-lear!" Either way, Obama and George Bush combined will never be as bad as my dad who can't say things like: Frodo, abombinable, roof, toilet, and so on! Some of them are ridiculously simple too, I mean words we use in every day life!

Don't worry Mister President! I wouldn't be embarrased if I were you! Just show them you can do it when your lip heals! I can't believe you're still playing basketball games too! You have the right to blame your lip. I would blame it fully, even if I couldn't say it when my lip was fully healed!

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