Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Decorations Overload!

Whoa! These people are like my neighbors! They over-decorate their whole house, the only difference is this house looks nice! There are a whole bunch of other houses like this as well!

Now I love the joy and the spirit of the holidays, but everyone needs to remember that electricity isn't free! I don't think it should be wasted either. I mean think about what just happened in Chile. Miners risk their lives every day so you have heat and lights to simply live! Two other things come to mind as well: how can they pull that much electricity without causing a blackout in the area, and how high is the electric bill for the month for some of these people!?

Now these decorations are amazing, I just think you don't need that many! If you decorate your house simply, people will still know you like and celebrate Christmas! Happy Holidays anyway!

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