Monday, October 11, 2010

Armless Pianist

Is that even possible?! I have arms and I can barely play the piano! Look at this dude go, rockin' with his feet!

The newest winner of China's Got Talent is an armless 22-year-old named Liu Wei from Beijing. This amazing guy lost his arms in an accident whent he was 10 and didn't even start playing the piano until he was 19. Although I don't think that his piano playing or his singing was the greatest, I think the reason he won this competition was because of his inspirational spirit. I think the best part of the video was the power and inspiration of the way he lived his life after a tragically horrible accident. Liu's motto is,"I have two options, I can die as fast as possible, or I can live a brilliant life. And I chose the latter." Congratulations to Liu Wei! What an awesome attitude!

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