Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So as you can probably can see by now, Halloween is less then a week away. I'm so excited! I've been saying to myself this whole time, "I'm not too old to trick or treat! I'm not too old to trick or treat!" I still don't think I am! Alright, alright, maybe I am fourteen! But there should be no limit! Except for this one town where the people think...

A mayor in Illinois has been getting a ton of complaints. From whom might you ask? From frightened mothers and senior citizens who are NOT happy about these “6-foot-tall kids” running about saying, "TRICK OR TREAT!" Apparently, this stupid mayor's solution was to ban high-school teenagers, or anyone over the age of 12, from trick-or-treating.

To enforce this law, the mayor slaps a $100 fine across your face if you ignore the law... I would be dead if I lived in that town! Crazy people with authority... pshht, what's wrong with them?

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