Saturday, October 2, 2010

Harry Potter 8, 9 or 10!?

So when J.K. Rowling first finished writing the 7 parts of Harry Potter, wait... as a matter of fact it was before she finished writing the 7 parts, when she was still writing book number 1, she knew there were only going to be 7 parts. When she was done with number 7, she said, she was never ever going to write about Harry again. She even repeated that after #7 was released, which was 3 years ago in 2007. But now after just 3 years without writing about Harry, she is having Harry Potter withdrawl problems! She misses Harry! He's still having adventures in her head! So now even though she promised she wouldn't write about him, and she's stated that mulitple times, she might start writing about him again! Yay! Even though she broke a promise, that's a promise I don't mind if she breaks since I love Harry and I want more! (Watch the video to 1:21 to see her interview.)

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