Friday, October 22, 2010

Postcard delivered 64 Years Late

This postcard was delivered 64 years late! Talk about a crowded mail room! How could a postcard get lost for 64 WHOLE years and then finally be found in mint condition. Where could it have been where it wouldn't have gotten dirty or even dusty for 64 years? The question still hasn't been answered and it's so nerve wracking! I want to know already! Ahhhhhh! The postcard was sent to a young girl who was 19 at the time but is now 83! Amazinly, she was still alive to receive the 64-year-old card! It was a thank you message that was written more then 6 decades ago! That's amazing! If I got 64-year-old mail, I would have peed in my pants! Especially since I'm only 14! That means it would have been sent 50 years before I was born! hehe :)

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