Saturday, October 9, 2010


I loved this display of pumpkins! They are truly an artistic job!!!!! WELL DONE!!! was the first thought that came to my mind when I saw these pumpkins! CONGRATULATIONS to all those people that worked hard on the pumpkins. The were very cool... all of them! I mean, just look at this one!
I really think that these Sci-Fi Jack-O-Lanterns are fantastic!!!! I just can't imagine how long it took them to do these! And what if they messed up on the last slice! I would have been infuriated!! These are some of the raddest pumpkins I've ever seen! If only there was someone that lived around me that was artistic enough to do one for Halloween! They're pure genious! Just imagine how much work it took to do that! Watch, one year I'll do one, but for the mean time I'm stuck doing ones like this!
If you want to see more amazing pumpkins just click right here, on this link!

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