Monday, October 25, 2010

Chilean Miners Honored

The thirty-three miners that were rescued after more than two months trapped underground were given a heroes welcome at the national palace Monday. This happened in Chile and it was presented by President Sebastian Pinera. He hugged each of the men just as he did when they came up one by one from the mine.

Many had their photographs taken in front of the Phoenix 2 rescue capsule, which is on display there until it finds itself a permanent home in case it's needed again.

Later the miners wore white jerseys with the Chilean flag for a friendly football match in the National Stadium. They were playing against a team made up of other government officials and rescuers. Two weeks after being rescued, these strong men seemed energetic on the field and showed no ill effects from the incident.

The men were buried some 2,300 feet below the surface in the San Jose mine and the 69 days they spent before the rescue is the longest anyone has been trapped underground and lived! According to reports, they got through some of their toughest times by talking about football. In Chile, football is not just a sport, it's an obsession. They even had a video screen delivered to them when they trapped so they could watch matches. I bet they couldn't wait to get out so they could play again themselves. It's amazing that they even had the energy only a week after being rescued. Good going, guys!

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