Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trapped Miners

In case you've been living under a rock and you haven't heard about it, there are 33 miners trapped underground in a mine in Chile. You heard right, two months. TWO WHOLE MONTHS, people! Imagine being trapped miles underground in a tiny little space for TWO MONTHS. If they didn't have claustrophobia before, I bet they do now!

The amazing thing about these miners is their wonderful, positive attitude! Yes, they are still positive even after being down there since August 5th! From the moment the rescuers made contact with them 17 days after the mine collapsed, they were upbeat, smiling, and just thrilled to be alive! I would have been screaming "GET ME OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!"

But now, the end is near! The rescue shaft is complete and the rescue pod is ready to be deployed. There's only one problem. The miners are arguing! About what you ask? I thought they were upbeat, smiling and thrilled! But what they're bickering about is who should get to go up first, and who should be the last to be rescued. No, they don't all want to go first. They all want to be the last! They're willing to wait so that their fellow miners can be reunited with their families first. WOW! Trapped down there for months and all they're thinking about is their friends. What a great bunch of guys! I would have been saying "See you later, guys! My ride's here! I'm out!"

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