Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Awww, this thing is almost as adorable as me - minus its harsh looking armor!

A pangolin, which I had no idea what it was, is what I like to think of as a scaly anteater. There are eight different species of pangolins! The thing that scares me about these animals are that they have large keratin scales covering their skin and are the only animals that have evolved this way.

These cool animals are found in tropical regions of Asia but mostly Africa. The name pangolin came from the Malay word pengguling that means something that rolls up. They named it that because pangolins spend most of the day sleeping curled into a little ball, just like my dog does! They are nocturnal, in case you couldn't figure that out, and use their excellent smell to find insects! This has been the exploration of a weird animal with your host - Alexander Chiles!

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