Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ahh, vacation. A time to be relaxed and loose with no worries on your mind! In fact, I just got back from one! I went to Orlando, Florida, to the theme parks Islands of Adventures and Universal. It was so much fun. I got to see the new Harry Potter land at Islands of Adventure. The park was so much fun and I'm really glad I went. I also enjoyed the new ride at Universal called Rip Ride Rockit!

The thing I enjoyed about this ride so much was that you could listen to the music you wanted to - you got to pick your own song if it was on the list. I picked Paralyzer by Finger Eleven!

After the park I went to a little fair that has the world's largest slingshot and a ride called StarFlyer. The StarFlyer ride was featured on the show The World's Most Extreme Rides! The ride was pretty extreme! It was super-duper fun though my dad didn't like it!

My trip was completely awesome and I want to take another vacation soon!

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