Friday, October 1, 2010

World's Fastest Train

France is famous for a bunch of things, be it the Eiffel Tower, their awesome crepes, or even the fact that they eat snails! But I find the thing the most French is that it's home to the world's fastest train. The train is called TGV or Train a Grande Vitesse which means High-Speed Train. This video of a TGV was filmed in 2007. This train was filmed going at 574 kmph! The passengers still said it was comfortable, quiet, and smooth-running... and from the looks and sounds of it, it's true!

I don't even know how a train could possibly go that fast! It's amazing! It almost breaks the sound barrier! It goes the same speed as a plane would in the air! After it passes, then you hear it! That's how amazing this thing is! All it needs to do is be able to beat me and it'll be the best thing in the world.

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