Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Book Review!

It took me six months but I FINALLY FINISHED! WOOOOOOOO! 6 MONTHS! FINISHED! :D I feel so accomplished! It was 500 PAGES! 500 PEOPLE! FIVE-HUNDRED! HUNDREDS OF FIVES! FIVE HUNDRED! Okay, so now that I've gotten that out of my system, on to the reveiw. The book is called Peter and the Starcatchers, and it's about a boy named Peter and a girl he meets named Molly. There is a trunk full of a stuff called Stardust that has magical powers and the starcatchers are the good people that collect the dust and keep it away from the bad guys that use it for evil. The book was overall good and I would read it if I were you, just don't read it if you're a slow reader or you don't like long books, because boy let me tell you...!

Out of ten I would of gave this book an 8 because it was fast paced. On the down side, it was way too long and had too much stuff going on at once. At times there were four different scenes happening simultaneously with different characters, and at the end of each chapter they would switch to a different character! It was so annoying!

But yeah, this book was a good read - just don't read it if you don't like 500 page books... like me!

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