Sunday, September 12, 2010

What the?! How many fish?!

A man named Steve Wozniak has caught more types of fish than any other fisherman in the world! He recently caught his 1,000th species of fish! You read that right! Not 1,000th fish, 1,000th species of fish! Whoa! He's visited 63 countries and 37 U.S. states. He said he's flown more than one million miles!

Steve states, "Actually, I'm up to 1,008 now." Wow, he's even beaten his own record.

Well, not to boast or anything, but I myself am a little bit of a fisherman. That's right, I've caught catfish and bass and blue gill. Yeah, three different species, right there. I know, I'm amazing, aren't I? You're impressed, right? I bet Steve Wozniak is too. I'm just too cool.

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