Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dear World...

Dear World,
I tried the most amazing thing today, and let me tell you about it. It was called bowling alley pizza. It was the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. Who would have known? Papa John's can't even come close, nor Domino's, not even Pizza Hut! I'm pretty sure you know how good it is now!

It was really healthy too, might I add ! Only 500 calories in one slice, bubbling with grease, high in total fat, sodium, and all that other stuff that's good for you. If you eat this fantastic great tasting stuff every day, at least 4 slices like I did, there's no way you will become obese for at least 1 month! What are you crazy? This stuff is so healthy and good tasting. Try it yourself! Go to your nearest bowling alley and ask for the most tasty, unhealthy, I mean healthy, sorry... healthiest pizza they have!

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