Monday, September 20, 2010

Lost Luggage

I've always wondered what happens to luggage that never finds its owner. I'm one of the lucky ones that haven't lost my luggage yet! But if I had, I just found out that there is a center in the U.S. where all the lost luggage goes. Eventually, if the luggage is never claimed, they sell it! The center has been processing more than one million such pieces annually since it opened in 1970! That's 40 million pieces of luggage!

An weird coincidence happened the other day. Some lady lost a ring that she bought for $46,000. She wanted another one just like it so she bought one for $23,000 from a couple in Tennessee... and found out it was the exact same ring she'd lost! The nice couple gave her the ring for free! What nice people! But I wonder how they got it in the first place?

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